Motifs and Symbols for Tattoos
There are literally as many motifs and symbols for tattoos as there are ideas in the art world. When choosing a tattoo design it might helpful to ask yourself the following questions: What inspires me? What do I aspire to? What gives me strength? These three simple questions should assist you in coming up with a meaningful tattoo design for you.
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There are many tattoo designs to choose from, giving people a chance to be creative. Below, we will take a look at some of the most popular tattoo designs.
Tribal tattoos are among the most popular designs. They have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and they are always evolving and becoming more and more complex with their designs and styles.Tribal tattoos can either be the traditional black style that cover the arms and the legs or the more colorful styles that can cover every area of the body. The colorful, more modern look is becoming more and more popular when compared to other styles. If you are looking for something which is stylish and tasteful, a tribal tattoo design will have that effect.
Oriental tattoo designs are also quite popular. Some of those which are chosen most frequently include the Chinese symbols for luck, prosperity, eternity, harmony, and love. Although these tattoo designs may appear simple, and do have a rather unobtrusive effect, it takes a considerable amount of skill to draw them properly, as the thickness and thinness of the characters is very important.
Dragon tattoo designs are another popular oriental style of tattoos. Dragons are great on the chest for males and the back for females. Dragon tattoos can be virtually any size, although most males tend to have them cover one side of their chest or the upper region of their arms.
For those whose religious beliefs are an important part of their lives, a tattoo of a religious symbol can be a permanently-displayed expression of this. Religious tattoos range from the most basic small crosses to large artwork depicting Saints and Jesus to nearly everything in-between. For most modern people, even those who take their religious beliefs very seriously, getting such a tattoo is not seen as violating religious standards, but a matter of pride in what they believe.
Celtic designs often appear in tattoos, also. They offer a variety of symbols and designs, providing universal meanings for everyone. From the most basic designs which everyone understands, such as shamrocks, to the intricate Celtic cross which fewer recognize the original meaning of, this culture has produced a wide array of beautiful artwork that can be used in tattoo designs.
The “old school” styles of tattoos are also popular. Anchors and things like that are making a great comeback these days and not just with sailors. These styles were very common and very popular back in the 60s. They are rapidly gaining their popularity back, as females and males are getting anchors and swallow designs tattooed on them more and more.
Most people have some idea what they like, and each person’s individual preference is no more difficult than finding it or having your tattoo artist create it. Whatever your background, interests, lifestyle, you are sure to find a tattoo design that appeals to you and is special to you.